The classic yard game of cornhole is easy to learn — and easy to master using a few simple tricks.
To get really good, though, you need more than just a set of miracle bags. Practice with these tips to play like a cornhole pro.
It’s easier to get the hang of the game if your cornhole court is a patch of grass or a sandy area. A soft surface absorbs impact and keeps the board steady; bags are more likely to bounce off boards placed on harder surfaces like concrete or asphalt. Grass or sand is also ideal for the longevity of your bags.
Wipe the moisture off your boards. A wet board affects the way your bags interact with the surface. If you live in a particularly humid area and notice dew accumulating, wipe your boards down before playing. Wirecutter recommends using an absorbent, nonabrasive cloth like a microfiber travel towel.
A cornhole bag has two sides: one sticky and one slick. You can throw the bag sticky-side down if you want it to come to a stop (to block the hole from your opponent), or toss it slick-side down if you’re aiming for the hole.
Consider your strategy before throwing and know which side you want to land on the board. Try to spin the bag like a Frisbee — toss it flat with a slight spin — which is how the pros get their bags to land flat on the board. Start by throwing the bag a short distance to get the motion down, and increase the length of your toss until you get to regulation distance (about 30 feet).
Don’t stress about form. Every pro has a unique technique, and methods differ widely from player to player. Some like to throw with their dominant hand and step with the opposite foot, while others like to throw and step on their dominant side. Other players don’t step at all.
If you’re serious about becoming your neighborhood cornhole champion, watch videos of how professionals play, or film yourself playing and compare your technique with theirs. One way to know if you’ve truly learned the game is if you can bank a shot without spilling your drink.